It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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18 Dec

Workshop with Orfeas Wärdig –Tsoukalas, D’Addario

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Improvisation and tone quality Workshop with Orfeas Wärdig –Tsoukalas, D’Addario on December 18, 2017 at 18:30 at PHILIPPOS NAKAS CONSERVATORY, 41 IPPOKRATOUS STR., ATHENS, TEL.: 210 3634000 – – entrance free –

The workshop will deal with the topic of harmony and rhythm in improvisation and will lead in to a discussion about reeds and equipment where participants will get free samples of D’Addario products. Reed players of all genres and levels are welcome to participate in this event.
Gothenburg based saxophonist Orfeas Wärdig Tsoukalas is recognized as one of Swedens finest exponents of contemporary jazz. His music is known for its sophistication and bold improvisations combining the two worlds of advanced harmony and energy with a deep respect for rythm. He holds a Bachelor in music performance (Academy of Music and Drama, Gothenburg), and is a Philippos Nakas Conservatory alumni. Orfeas released his debut album “Prologue” 4/2015 on “Imogena Records” with his band OWT Quartet. He regularly plays on scenes all over Europe with projects with musicians based in Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Norway and Greece.
Due to being of both Greek and Swedish descent Orfeas has established himself on both scenes. His Greek main project, “The Next Step Quintet”, is one of Greece’s most prominent and forward moving bands. They released their debut album,“The Next Step Quintet”, on the lable “Puzzle Music”, in April 2013 which was greeted among the critics and the audience as “a milestone for Greek jazz.”
Orfeas is endorsing D’Addario woodwinds and is a D’Addario artist beside greats such as Chris Potter and Seamus Blake among others. He regurarly holds clinics and workshops around Scandinavia and teaches saxophone, clarinet and flute at the Conservatory of Kortedala in Gothenburg.

Last modified on Tuesday, 19 December 2017 10:37