Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. -- Thelonious Monk

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22 Jan

What about Jazzonline ? Featured

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For few years now has been the only website devoted exclusively to jazz in Greece by informing, promoting & sponsoring the very best of live concerts, festivals and new releases with interviews, articles and news from the Greek and International jazz scene.

Jazzonline aim to make know the very best of jazz in Greece, highlighting the quality and the high standard of the Greek jazz scene, which is underestimated and not well known to the public .
It is amazing how many great jazz musicians this country has and a quite remarkable new generation coming up !
We are also interested in all those famous jazz musicians of the international jazz scene visiting Greece for special performances. Incredible artists!

The only website devoted to Jazz in Greece

Presenting more than 200 musicians,

The Greek Jazz Discography

with more than 500 albums,

And everything about jazz in Greece

“Το site  είναι το μεγαλύτερο ελληνικό σάιτ για την τζαζ. «Μιλάει» μεν αγγλικά, αλλά έχει τις κεραίες του ορθάνοιχτες σε όλο το φάσμα του συγκεκριμένου μουσικού είδους. Καλές δισκοκριτικές, καλή χαρτογράφηση του αθηναϊκού τζαζ τοπίου και των μουσικών που το περιβάλλουν /  is the largest Greekwebsite about jazz. In english only, but it has its ears and eyes wide open to everything going on about jazz. Fine reviews and good mapping of the Athenian jazz scene and of the musicians.”

“Jazzonline is by far the most organised and supportive jazz website I’ve encountered in Greece, throughout my professional career. Keep swinging!”
Vasilis Xenopoulos, Saxophonist & Composer

“ provides to all of us , friends of jazz, all ( but , all ! ) news of the Greek Jazz scene and not only ! I stand by the fact that it promotes everything that happens in the domestic scene, mainly because musicians, but also venues that give a scope to jazz, are in dire need, more than ever of this support and this sympathy. For this reason I want to express my deepest thanks to for the time spent with passion and intensity that are relevant to a hardcore of jazz, so we can all have at our disposal a fully updated tool !” Olga Tabouris–Babalis Artistic Director at Sani Festival

“… It is the only jazz-centered site in Greece, that covers with professionalism and efficiency everything that’s happening. In terms of layout it fulfils our aesthetics, and in terms of content it is always updated, and complete. Elina Tsangaraki – Communications Officer – Philippos Nakas Conservatory

“ As one of the most original and leading content based jazz destinations on the Greek web,  set the standard and is definitely the driving force today of the jazz scene in Greece by presenting an intimate portrait of our lifelong passion and study of jazz music.”-
Yannis Papaconstantinou – Artistic Director of Megaro Gyzi Festival in Santorini  is the most comprehensive website about jazz in greece. In terms of functionality, size but also in terms of scope it is by far the most important site to visit. Everything one needs to know about jazz is there: every musician active on the greek scene has a profile and every event big or small is posted, there are also interviews, articles, seminars and lessons, new books and festivals, and important news from around the world. Indispensable for professionals and all those with an interest in jazz in Greece.” …. “This work is needed and appreciated “
Dimos Dimitiadis – Associate Professor at Ionian University  is a fine boutique! If Jazz in Athens is the question, the best choices are in hand!”
Nikos Zappas – Founder of Athens Jazz Radio με επαγγελματισμό, βαθιά γνώση αλλά και με κέφι και ενθουσιασμό ενημερώνει για ό, τι συμβαίνει στη jazz σκηνή.Site φιλικό προς το χρήστη δεν απευθύνεται μόνο στους γνώστες της Jazz αλλά μυεί και τους «νεοεισερχόμενους “/ “ with professionalism, deep knowledge and enthusiasm informs what happens in the jazz scene. Friendly site not only for connoisseurs but also for newcomers ”
Vicky Trachani – Press and Communication Office Goethe-Institut Athens offers so many things to the jazz scene and the world of Jazz in general. knows how to attract and keep the attention of jazz lovers with everything that happens in the whole jazz spectrum “ Alexandra Kaletsari President of “Association of Jazz & Creative Music informs jazz friends very directly with everything that happens in Greece and goes into detail about the music of great artists who come to our country. For those who operate away from urban centers, is the perfect communication tool. We hope and wish than more and more supporters will embrace j Jazzonline work “ Markos Vidalis General Director Tinos Jazz Festival & Cultural Foundation of Tinos

“The best information source about jazz in Greece “
George Trantalidis – Jazz Drummer

“A great site for jazz music in Greece with all the international jazz news and events. A must “
George Kontrafouris – Jazz Pianist & Organist

“A great site about Jazz in Greece and abroad! Check it out, they are doing great job! “
Alexandros Drakos- Ktistakis – Jazz Drummer

“Thank you for creating and maintaining the magazine. This is a wonderful resource and it documents the wealth of the Greek Jazz community of the past and the present” . Lefteris Kordis – Pianist, composer

” … is doing an excellent job in promoting jazz music and doing ground breaking work when it comes to promoting the local musicians that actually worth listening to. I hope that the next 3 years will be even better for and I also hope that the jazz audience, the musicians, and any other business aspect people of the local scene will embrace it more closely. It’s a great help and information tool for the jazz enthusiast”
Alekos Vretos – musician & composer

“I really think that is contributing the most in the Greek Jazz Scene! Always updated and well informed provides all the information needed to and for the Jazz Listeners, Musicians, Venues and Events. Great work ! ” ! (I also think that it should be much more penetrative if it were available in Greek language…)” George Govesis – DJ/Producer/Remixer at Jazz Impressions –

And some more quotes to come…

Last modified on Wednesday, 29 January 2020 11:23