Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. -- Thelonious Monk

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29 Jan

Petite Fleur

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Very warm atmosphere, great music, friendly people, you just don’t want to leave the place …

The Petite Fleur is a genuine coffee shop with great music playing from vinyl records. the jazz tunes flood the space giving a special touch to the atmosphere, and making visitors travel to another era.The small and intimate space looks like a dollhouse coming out straight from a fairy tale.

Petite Fleur was established at the summer of 2001. For 15 years the main characteristics of this beautiful small cafe at the center of Athens are top quality , cosy “parisian” atmosphere and of course a true love for jazz music played from vinyl records. You can enjoy one of the best hot chocolates in town served in big delicious cups and in many different recipies wich are tailor made for every customer . Greek wines and beers can company your vegetable pie, a light sandwich or a salade . Coffee is organic and the desserts are a classic value for everyone who has been there. Petite Fleur is open daily from 9.00 in the morning till late night every day .

Kolonaki — Omirou 44 — 210 3613169


Last modified on Thursday, 02 February 2017 08:52

