I don't care too much about music. What I like is sounds. -- Dizzie Gillespie
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Jazz Education

The Art Music School is considered the most experimented educational activity in the field of contemporary music and especially Jazz, Fusion, Rock and Blues. Operating now for 14 years, it provides systematic education in modern, classical and traditional music to hundreds of students.

Learn electric guitar & drums with the best teacher at Philippos Nakas Conservatory – ATHENS 41 Hippocratous str., tel.210 3634000

ACI Aegean Cultural Initiative – Paros Bass Camp : 28 July – 3 August 2014 with Anthony Jackson/ Yiorgos Fakanas

Jonathan Kreisberg guitar days son July 22 & 23, 2014 at Guitarfor. Jonathan Kreisberg Summer School

Three-day seminar for gypsy jazz at “Mousiki Synaxi” , Alagonia Taygetos, Laconia on 21, 22 and 23 July, 2014

SUMMER JAZZ WORKSHOP KRYONERI JULY 7th – 13th, 2014 – This workshop is an intensive week-long summer Jazz course, which is organized by the non-profit organization “Filoxenia” for second time. Until the end of May there is 20% discount for participation fee.
