I don't care too much about music. What I like is sounds. -- Dizzie Gillespie
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26 Jan

Jesse Davis Quartet

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Jesse Davis is a former student of Ellis Marsalis at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts and one the most respected musicians from New Orleans. In addition to leading his own group, Davis has performed with such stellar jazz musicians as Jack McDuf, Major Holley, Cecil Payne, Illinois Jacquet, Chico Hamilton, Junior Mance, Kenny Barron, Cedar Walton, Nicholas Payton, and Roy Hargrove. Jesse plays the alto with an excellent technique and a natural feeling for the blues.

Jesse Davis is actually on tour and quite busy but he gave us a very short interview few days before his performance in Athens. Here it is.

1-How would you characterize your music?
Soulful, bluesy and expressive. Steeped in the Bebop tradition

2- With all those people you have worked with, which one do you believe is closer to you musically?
Phil Woods, Clark Terry, Roy Hargrove

3- What’s the most memorable concert you’ve done?
First week at the Village Vanguard club in NY with Illinois Jacquet!

4-Could you tell us a few words about your performance in Athens?
I last played in Athens in ’94 with the Newport Allstars and in ’92 with the Phillip Morris Superband tour. So I look forward to returning there with my own band this time.

5- What advice would you give a young musician?
Learn the language of music and study the Masters

6- What’s the best advice anyone ever gave you?
Always respect your audience and give them something to enjoy.

7-What one song would work as the soundtrack to your life?
“Just one of those things”

8- What are your plan for the next months?
To continue to play, study and aspire to be better

Jesse Davis Quartet on January 26 to 29, 2018 at Half Note Jazz Club – Trivonianou 17, Metz, Athens – 210-9213310

Last modified on Tuesday, 30 January 2018 13:02