We all do 'do, re, mi', but you have to find the other notes yourself. Louis Armstrong

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Musicians in town
18 March 2012

Arild Andersen

Born in Norway, Arild Andersen has been one of Europe’s leading bass player for more than 30 years.

17 March 2012

Elio Villafranca

“This is, quite simply, craftsmanship at its finest and it goes beyond mere technique… The other outstanding aspect of the music is how inspired the compositions are.” – Latin Jazz Network

16 March 2012

Gretchen Parlato

“a singer with a deep, almost magical connection to the music.” Herbie Hancock

15 March 2012

Uwe Steinmetz

“…easy-going, based on simple melodies and counterpoint, hummably affable all the way. It’s thoughtful music, but not the kind you necessarily have to screw on your thinking cap to properly enjoy.” All About Jazz

01 March 2012

Dominique Di Piazza

“… I admire him very much for his convictions….He is one of the world’s greatest bassists” John McLaughin

23 February 2012

Poogie Bell

Veteran jazz musician Poogie Bell, is an outstanding drummer, composer, arranger, and record producer. The sound of Poogie Bell’s drums is what you hear on many of the world’s finest jazz, funk, neo-soul, R&B and hip-hop records.
