"I can tell whether a person can play just by the way he stands …If they act too hip, you know they can't play shit " Miles Davis

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Jazz Articles Interviews about Greek Musicians
12 May 2019

Open day 2019

Open day on May 12. 2019 at Philippos Nakas Conservatory – ATHENS 41 Hippocratous str., tel.210 3634000 – THESSALONIKI 47, N. Plastira str., Harilaou, tel. 2310 320560

05 February 2019

Berklee Workshops

On the occasion of the live auditions to be held on February 6 for Berklee Scholarships, Philippos Nakas Conservatory, Berklee’s Global Academic Partner, will be welcoming Berklee’s Vice-President for International Relations -composer, and orchestra conductor- Matthew Nicholl, and Marek Dykta, Assistant Director of Admissions.Two seminars will take place on Tuesday 5 February:

“Creative practi-SING” Workshop with Terry Vakirtzoglou on October3, 2018 at 19:00 at PHILIPPOS NAKAS CONCERT HALL – Ippokratous 41, 10680 , Athens – 2103634000 – FREE ENTRANCE

Bass seminar Dimitris Moutafis on October 1, 2018 at 19:00 at PHILIPPOS NAKAS CONCERT HALL – Ippokratous 41, 10680 , Athens – 2103634000 – FREE ENTRANCE –

13 May 2018

Οpen Day 2018

Open day on May 13. 2018 at Philippos Nakas Conservatory – ATHENS 41 Hippocratous str., tel.210 3634000 – THESSALONIKI 47, N. Plastira str., Harilaou, tel. 2310 320560

Philippos Nakas Conservatory and Berklee proudly announce the “Berklee Global Performance Clinics” to be held from February 22 to February 24, 2018 at PHILIPPOS NAKAS CONCERT HALL 41 IPPOKRATOUS STR., 106 80 ATHENS, TEL .: 210 3634000

01 February 2018

Avishai Cohen Interview

Avishai Cohen appears as the godfather of Israeli jazz. This small country has produced amazing jazz musicians lately (Shai Maestro. Omer Klein, Eli Degibri, Omer Avital, the 3 Cohen, Gilad Hekselman …). Cohen has been cited as “undoubtedly the most successful” of Israel’s jazz exports by The Jerusalem Post, a “jazz visionary of global proportions” by Down Beat, one of the 100 Most Influential Bass Players of the 20th Century by Bass Player magazine, and “a great composer” and “a genius musician” by Chick Corea himself. He accept to answer few questions before is performance in Athens.

26 January 2018

Jesse Davis Quartet

Jesse Davis is a former student of Ellis Marsalis at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts and one the most respected musicians from New Orleans. In addition to leading his own group, Davis has performed with such stellar jazz musicians as Jack McDuf, Major Holley, Cecil Payne, Illinois Jacquet, Chico Hamilton, Junior Mance, Kenny Barron, Cedar Walton, Nicholas Payton, and Roy Hargrove. Jesse plays the alto with an excellent technique and a natural feeling for the blues.

Jazz improvisation workshop with Haris Ioannou on January 23, 2018 at 18:00 – FREE ENTRANCE – PHILIPPOS NAKAS CONCERT HALL IPPOKRATOUS 41 ATHENS, TEL .: 210 3634000 .

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