“Life is a lot like jazz... it's best when you improvise”. George Gershwin
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Jazz Articles Interviews about Greek Musicians

Anne Paceo appears as one of the most brilliant young French drummers Her subtle touch on drums and cymbals is very personal.

The 21st Annual IASJ Jazz Meeting 2011 takes place at Souza Lima Conservatory of Music, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It ´s the very first time that a music institution from South America is hosting the Annual IASJ Jazz Meeting, another milestone in the history of the IASJ.Greece will be represented by Dimos Dimitriadis and George Kontrafouris, both professor at the music department of the Ionian University, and George Kosteletos student from the Ionian University.

Jesus ‘Aguaje’ Ramos has been touring extensively since 1997 with the various Buena Vista Social Club projects.He answers a few questions for jazzonline.gr

With his trio he represented Portugal in the 1st European Jazz Festival in Athens, 2001. He comes back this year, after 10 year.
14 May 2011


IBRAHIM ELECTRIC is one of the most popular Danish jazz groups….

The Swedish saxophone player Nils Berg is back in Greece again with his trio Nils Berg Cinemascope το participate in the 11th European Jazz Festival at Technopolis where they will perform on Saturday, May 28.

Talk about a bass blowout. I had the chance to catch a rehearsal and both nights of Anthony Jackson’s U.S. solo debut on April 14th & 17th, at 55 Bar in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. The shows marked the first U.S. visit for Jackson’s collaborator, Greek bassist/composer Yiorgos Fakanas, as the pair were promoting their recent CD, Interspirit.

26 April 2011

Ralph Peterson

“In addition to total musicianship, a drummer must have good time, big ears, imagination, and humility (to the music). Technique and a healthy, positive attitude are also invaluable.” Ralph Peterson

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