Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. -- Thelonious Monk

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Jazz Articles Interviews about Greek Musicians

Friendly , nice atmosphere and really good Jazz music on Wednesdays !

Jazz guitarist Tassos Spiliotopoulos returned to his erstwhile base London, for a one-night performance with his quartet at the Vortex Jazz Club, on 26 September. The Vortex gig marked the start of a month-long tour of venues around England.

Ladies in Jazz bring a feminine flair to the masculine world of jazz. Here are some artist who are the essence of jazz music in Greece. Discover these fabulous ladies of jazz of the Greek jazz scene.

The Jazz Workshop – Horto Pelion on 27-31 July 2016 at Horto village on mount Pelion.

29 June 2016


Nadia Mladjao, better known by her stage name Imany (means ‘Faith,’ in Swahili), is an Afro-soul singer born in the French Comoros Islands.

One of the most talented alto saxophonists and at the same time one of the most turbulent personalities of jazz passed away on 15 June 1982: Art Pepper, whose superb mastery of the alto saxophone, exciting compositions and stormy life have left an indelible mark in jazz history.

“The reluctant rocker and devoted jazzman: Charlie Watts of the Rolling Stones” By Mihalis Yanneski – Charlie Watts, the drummer who became ultra-famous as a member of the Rolling Stones, was born on 2 June 1941. However, it is not widely known that Watts is first and foremost a jazz musician and aficionado.

Bassist Petros Klampanis’ Trio (PKT) crisscrossed Europe, playing their fifth gig in a week in the Vortex Jazz Club London on Sunday 29 May, 2016 (preceded by trio gigs in Amsterdam, Moscow, and Köln and a duo appearance, by Klampanis and the guitarist Hekselman, in Athens). The group seems to be thriving on travel, as their London performance belied their intensive schedule.

29 May 2016

Robin Mckelle

Robin McKelle has consistently proved to her ever-expanding fan base that she’s 100% steeped in soul. Not to mention jazz, blues and the other ingredients that make her work on record and on stage so thrillingly authentic. Now, ten years after she first emerged, the songwriter and vocal stylist from Rochester, New York, is set to make 2016 her year, with her most exciting album to date.

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