“The wise musicians are those who play what they can master” Duke Ellington
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27 Sep

The Darkness of a Fairy Tale – 2018

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Konstantinos Papachristou
The Darkness of a Fairy Tale is the debut album of saxophone player and composer Konstantinos Papachristou, and describes the journey of a man that receives his wake-up call and begins an esoteric quest in an effort to find the true meaning of life. Konstantinos composed a contemporary jazz concept-album, with an often dark, programmatic intention, that allures the listener to dive deep into his senses. The arrangement retains an unrefined classic jazz sound, and the instrumentation includes a double bass, piano and drums that blend perfectly with the composer’s fat sounding, tenor saxophone and strong influence of the ECM Jazz label. Been a very creative person, Konstantinos loves music as well as High-End Audio, and he has been involved in various music projects, and has also designed High-End Audio Equipment for consumer and professional use. He supervised the whole production process of the album, and imprinted his personal standpoint in the sound of the album. Darkness of a Fairy Tale retains a live feel with the calmness and focus of a studio album, making it the best of both worlds. Darkness of a Fairy Tale is released in an aesthetic digipak audio-CD featuring cover art from the stunning original painting “Jours et Nuits No4” (acryl on canvas, 1996, Vangelis Papachristos) and also on every popular digital music store world wide.

Konstantinos Papachristou, Tenor Saxophone
Stefanos Kozanis, Electric Piano
Alexandros Tziovas, Double Bass
Nikos Papadakis, Drums

“Jours et Nuits No4” 1996, acryl on canvas, by Vangelis Papachristos (1942-1998)

Graphics & Cover Design
Dimitris Barbagiannis

Kostas Abatzis, Fotis Traganoudakis

Produced and mixed by Giorgos Avramidis at 101 Sound Studios, Nikea Greece
Mastered by Giorgos Avramidis
Distributed by BLB Records
Last modified on Thursday, 27 September 2018 11:34