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29 Jan

The Passing – 2020

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George Kontrafouris
George Kontrafouris Kontrafouri’s five new compositions and one composition (Aeoliana) by the pioneering jazz pianist, composer and educator (and one of the first Kontrafouris teachers) Mark Alexios who played an important role in the development of the then young George as a pianist. And a composition of Savvina Giannatos (Aura. George Kontrafouris with his trio transform it creatively and with respect into an atmospheric jazz composition.
With this album, George Kontrafouris visits the classical piano-trio form.
The album’s first live presentation will be at the Birdland Theater in Manhattan, New York on February 2, 2020. Later in the year, the album will also be premiered live in Greece, at a date and time that will be announced soon.

George Kontrafouris Trio:George Kontrafouris (piano), Kimon Karoutzos (bass), Jason Wastor (drums)

Recording engineer, mixing: Nikos Kollias (Antart Studio)
Mastering: George Priniotakis (Artracks Studios)
Produced by George Kontrafouris
Artwork: Eleni Kessapidou
Cover Photo: Jens Johnsson (
George Kontrafouris Trio promo photos: Fotis Fotopoulos
Edited by: Christos Alexopoulos

Last modified on Wednesday, 29 January 2020 12:36