Not too slow, not too fast. Kind of half-fast. -- Louis Armstrong
Home / Discography / Theo Kapilidis Neoplatonic Trio – 2019
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Theo Kapilidis Neoplatonic Trio – 2019

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Theo Kapilidis talent and abilities have placed him among Greece’s most outstanding musical personalities. He has participated in various musical projects and he is currently an instructor at the ”Zurich University of The Arts” and the department of Jazz at the ”Zurich conservatory’.

TO EN” is the 3rd album of Theo Kapilidis and the first on Puzzlemusik. It is also the first Kapilidis album with the Neoplatonic Trio.

Neoplatonic Trio are:
Theo Kapilidis (guitar) Florian Egli (alto sax, alto clarinet), Maxim Paratte (drums)

Recorded at Zurich, Switzerland, were Theo lives and works. He is a professor at the Zurich University of The Arts.
Recording engineer, mixing and mastering by Maxim Paratte
Produced by Theo Kapilidis
The album will be released on March 20, 2019, on CD & digital (streaming, download).
“TO EN” album is sponsored by Stadt Zürich Kultur (Culture of the City of Zurich)
& Kanton Zürich Fachstelle Kultur (Canton Zurich: Dpt. of Culture)

Last modified on Wednesday, 29 January 2020 12:12