Not too slow, not too fast. Kind of half-fast. -- Louis Armstrong
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14 May

Open Day 2017

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Open Day on May 14, 2017 at Nakas Conservatory (Headquarters) – Ippokratous 41, 10680 Athens – Tel: 210 3634000 – Don’t miss it ! It is a music fest, prepared with special care by the Philippos Nakas Conservatory and its teachers, a unique opportunity for entertainment, information, education, open and free for all, including many different activities:

• Pilot lessons
• Seminars
• Briefing on all musical instruments
• Meetings with music teachers
• Concerts

To whom is it addressed?
To everyone who is interested in music and music education, whatever their age: Children, adolescents, and adults.

Do you need to declare your wish to participate?
No, in case you wish to attend events such as concerts or workshops, on condition that you get informationon thevarious events and their timetable.
Yes, if you wish to attend the free triallessons for babies and toddlers (10-month to 6-years old), or if you wish to attend free trial lessons for specific instruments. In this case you should register with the Secretariat ofthe respective branch of the Conservatory.

How can you declare your wish to participate?
Α simple phone call will do.
The attendants are in for winning… Scholarships, musical instruments for free, and free registration.

Last modified on Tuesday, 16 May 2017 16:05