Requirements for Scholarship Auditions : Berklee requires all applicants for admission to audition and interview as part of their application to the college. Therefore, Berklee gives preference for audition spaces to those students who have applied for admission. Students wishing to participate in an audition at the Philippos Nakas Conservatory or any other BIN School could get more information at:
Wednesday, October 15:
17:00 Guitar Enharmonic Relationships by J. Marasco – for guitarists and all instruments
18:30 Exploring Meter Modulation through the works of contemporary jazz musicians by L. Molinari
Thursday, October 16
17:00 Info Session by M. Dykta
18:30 Ensemble Clinic by L. Molinari
20:00 Concert with Berklee faculty and: Pantelis Benetatos (piano), Dimitris Christodoulakis (drums).
Entrance free