“Life is a lot like jazz... it's best when you improvise”. George Gershwin
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16 Dec

Music improvisation workshop

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Music improvisation workshop Level I & Experimental music workshop Level II on DECEMBER 16, 2016 at 19:00 – FREE ENTRANCE – PHILIPPOS NAKAS CONCERT HALL IPPOKRATOUS 41 ATHENS, TEL .: 210 3634000

Music improvisation as a means to liberate the imagination and creativity of music.
The workshop participants will improvise using verbal instructions, but also scores that contain only words and / or figures (verbal and graphic scores). In this context everyone can play music, no matter if they know any musical instrument or music notation.
Aimed at musicians, amateur musicians and people who do not play an instrument and do not have any kind of musical experience. The only requirement for membership is a desire to experiment with musical instruments, objects and / or voice, and the pursuit of a collective musical experience.

During the workshop for experimental music and music improvisation Level II participants will study in depth graphic and verbal scores in order to present them in concert. Specifically, they will study works by John Cage, Earle Brown, Cornelius Cardew, Douglas Barrett, James Saunders, Pauline Oliveros, Christian Wolff. The workshop is open to those who have already taken part in improvisation workshop of Alexis Porfyriads or are directly related to experimental music and improvisation. Participants will improvise with visiting musicians.

The workshop will be held every Friday from 13/1 until end of May
TIMETABLE 17:30 – 19:30 (Level I)
19:30 -21: 30 (Level II)

Last modified on Monday, 19 December 2016 09:05