Born in Berlin in 1966, Henning has shown his talent since the early age during his early music education, amongst others in cello and piano. He earned a scholarship at the Berlin Conservatory and soon won the firt prize at the National Competition “Schüler komponieren” (“Students Compose”) in Germany. In 1983 he started studying electric bass and contrabass on his own and soon after he began working in various bands in different cities in Germany. He also studied journalism while still keeping his track in playing and composing music. He even became one of the members of the famous Peter Herbolzheimer’s “Bundesjazzorchester”. Other outstanding scholarship and awards he’s received including the scholarship of the City of Munich in 1990, 1st Prize of the jazz competition “International Society of Bassists” in 1991, the Bavarian Music Award (1994), the New German Jazz Award and New German Best Soloist Jazz Award (2007) and the “Echo Jazz Award” as best bass player for the CD “Henning Sieverts: Blackbird” (2010).
With his trio Symmethree, Henning Sieverts shows how full-bodied this heady music can be – the sparkling, spirited play from the bassist-cellist-composer is combined with an unusual sense of humor, a special feeling for beauty and trickily structured pieces that nevertheless sound completely natural. With these three musicians, it all sounds incredibly easy – the themes and motifs bubble out like water from a wellspring. The listener never senses the kind of effort that can go into playing pieces of this sort of difficulty, simply because these three musicians’ music has a lot of spirit and soul. This music is fun and sensuous !
HENNING SIEVERTS «SYMMETHREE» for the first time in Greece ( It´s my first time playing in Greece. I`m looking forward to meet hopefully many musicians here! ) on January 23, 2014 – 20:30 at Goethe-Institut – Omirou 14-16 – Athens – entrance free – Henning Sieverts, cello , bass – Ronny Graupe, guitar – Johannes Lauer, trombone – they will play tunes for the Symmethree Cd and new stuff.
And on January 24, 2014 at Thessalonique (Nikis av. 73)