We all do 'do, re, mi', but you have to find the other notes yourself. Louis Armstrong

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06 Sep

Urban Jazz – 2012

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George Kontrafouris Baby Trio

“The Urban Jazz came out of the city life and from all stimuli giving and was created on Live appearances”. George Kontrafouris

The bet that put George Kontrafouris few years ago (when he left the piano on the side for organ) has won. The Baby Trio have a personal language, energy and an irresistible groove ! However, although devoted to the organ Kontrafouris has not so far forget his first love, the piano. «Prelude from a far Asteroid » will leave you speechless. Kontrafouris plays also piano on another track of the album ( «Undercover »).

This is the third cd of Baby Trio (after “A New Snack” 2008 & “The Main Course” 2009) – featuring Dean Bowman. Dean Bowman is a major contributor to the NYC downtown jazz, rock, and avant garde scene since the early 1990’s. He is an accomplished, “massively talented” vocalist and performance/recording artist. The other musicians of this album are George Kontrafouris on hammond, Vassilis Podaras on drums, Konstantinos Stouraitis on guitar, Angelos Polychronou on percussion and Antonis Andreou on trombone.

Baby Trio is composed of musicians under 25 years old. As soon as they turm 25 they leave the group. Only G. Kontrafouris remain.
“Baby Trio was created so as to convey the naivety, the teenage enthusiasm and all the things that electrify a young musician when he is only starting out to play music with a group where its members are his friends. ……. To put it all in a phrase the Baby Trio comprises all the “non-realistic expectations” that arise before “normal life” begins.” George Kontrafouris 2009

“Vasilis Podaras has become one of the most accomplished drummer now approaching 25 years old and Constantinos Stouraitis just start at 20. For me the challenge and freshness that I get from them is beyond words ” George Kontrafouris 2012


Last modified on Sunday, 10 November 2013 21:00