We all do 'do, re, mi', but you have to find the other notes yourself. Louis Armstrong

Home / Discography / Movlatina – 2010
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29 Jul

Movlatina – 2010

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A dancing latin-jazz mixture of colors and cultures..!
Musicians from Hellas,Argentina,Cuba,France meet in “Movlatina” of Yannis Arzimanoglou.
original compositions and lyrics in Greek,Spanish,French,English and Italian..!

Ladopoulos Antonis : Alto saxophone

Andreou Antonis : Trumpet,Trombone,

Vavatsikas Iraklis — Roman Gomez :Bandoneon,

Jean Philippe Crespin -Roman Gomez : Guitars

Demian Gomez :Percussions, Drums

Trapalis Andreas : Violin

Arzimanoglou Yannis : Piano , Voice

Orza Manolito : ,Bass

Katsikis Nikos : Bouzouki

escorts the voice of Mildreys Duquesne and Yannis Arzimanoglou!

Download beam album “Movlatina” for free…….!!

go to : http://heedia.com/ then enter the unlock code : movlatina@free

and get the album for …free…!!


Last modified on Sunday, 10 November 2013 20:36