It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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15 Oct

The "Wonder-fall" Quartet 2011

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Irini Konstantinidi – Dimitris Theoharis – Haris Mermigas – Thanos Hatzianagnostou

Original compositions and lyrics, atmospheric sound and powerful improvisations… are leading the way to a…Wonder-fall !

After its first very creative and…”Wonder-fall” year…of performing, The “Wonder-fall” Quartet will release its debut album in November 2011 .

It all began during the fall of 2009…when a drummer (Thanos Hatzianagnostou) started playing and composing at the piano…and a jazz singer (Irini Konstantinidi) started writing down in words, the stories that each melody was “suggesting”…

A year later, during the fall of 2010, with the significant participation of Dimitris Theoharis (piano) and Haris Mermigas (double bass) and due to their astonishing musicality, this early duet expanded to…The “Wonder-fall” Quartet!

Atmospheric sound, powerful improvisations, lyricism and outbursts of energy constitute our music.

Mutual trust and freedom flow naturally throughout our playing, expressing our deepest will to raise and exalt the Music itself.

In this debut album, we are particularly happy to interact with an exceptional musician and composer, a real virtuoso and renowned player of ney, Harris Lambrakis!

“Urged by the need to compose and perform our own music, the verve of creativity was getting bigger and more intense….

Thanos was playing his ideas at the piano, while I (Irini) was overwhelmed, internalizing the different elements of his music and forming images in my mind, that would inspire me to write the lyrics for every piece.

Being mostly influenced by the exquisite sound and atmosphere of ECM recordings and the powerful lyricism of our favorite Esbjorn Svensson Trio (e.s.t.), we were bound to shape up our own unique sound and playing…

Thus, in our first “Wonder-fall” recording, we have tried to create a sonic environment, in which the listeners would willingly let their senses lead the way to the innermost of their existence… and experience a…”Wonder-fall” trip…! “

Irini Konstantinidi : vocals, lyrics – Dimitris Theoharis : piano – Haris Mermigas : double bass – Thanos Hatzianagnostou : drums, compositions

Last modified on Sunday, 10 November 2013 20:44