It's taken me all my life to learn what not to play. -- Dizzie Gillespie

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Georgiadis Giorgos

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Bass player, Composer
Born 1969 in Athens.He started in 1991 his music studies in electric bass with G. Fakanas and continued in 1995 with studies in classical contrabass with Takis Kapouyannis. He took seminaries for orchestra, contrabass (Bagovska, Mc Tyeer, Howard Davis) and free improvisation with N. Beliotis.
He graduated with an excellent at the last level on electric bass at the London College of Music & Media.
He began working professionally in Greek jazz and cooperated with known musicians such as: T.Paterelis, G. Kontrafouris, D. Vassilakis, D. Kalantzis, as well as with the group of ‘IASIS’, of Orphea Peridis, of Haig Yazdjian, of Elli Paspala and of David Lynch.
Since 1997 he is a member of the guitarist Takis Barberis group with whom in 1998 the CD “NAIVA” (Lyra) was recorded, and in 2004 the CD “PORTO KAYIO” (Libra Music). In 2000 he cooperated in the recording “BLINK” (Legend) of G. Polyhronakos.
He has worked for the National Theater in the production of “Όρνιθες” (music by D.Papadimitriou), “STUDENTS” (music by G. Stoupel) and “Summernight’s Dream” (music by D.Papadimitriou), further with G. Kimouli in the musical “Dr. Jackle and Mr. Hyde” (music by G. Stoupel). He has also cooperated with the Athens Symphonic Orchestra.
He participated in the 3rd Jazz Festival of Athens, with the ‘Greek Warriors’ of D.Vassilakis, and in 2004 he participated with various groups in the city of Athens festivities in view of the Olympic Games
Last modified on Tuesday, 24 May 2016 16:31