Not too slow, not too fast. Kind of half-fast. -- Louis Armstrong
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Takoushis-Karapatakis Project

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Takoushis – Karapatakis Project

Pianist Marios Takoushis and bassist Gabriel Karapatakis have been playing for over a decade together and are considered two of the most prolific musicians of Cyprus.

In December of 2008 they formed the “Takoushis – Karapatakis Quartet” along with Giorgos Krasides on sax/clarinet and Giorgos Koulas on drums, and began making appearances at festivals and selected music venues. July 2009 saw the completion of their debut CD “Sympnoia” which got released in March 2010.

In November 2011 they presented the ” Takoushis – Karapatakis Project” at the Limassol Jazz Festival. This new project featured collaborations with saxophonist David Lynch, one of the greatest musicians of the contemporary music scene in Greece, Zacharias Spyridakis a virtuoso lyra player of the new generation from Crete and Stelios Xydias a young, fiery drummer from Cyprus. With their new band they began recording material for a new album and in May 2012 were the first band from Cyprus to take part in the 12th European Jazz Festival in Athens.

Their new album “Seven Miles East” was released in June 2012 and was acclaimed by music critics.

Both musicians aim to develop their music based on the fundamentals of jazz – interaction, improvisation and individual self -expression. At the same time, their source of inspiration for original ideas and compositions comes from the Mediterranean culture and tradition.

[Seven Miles East] “Sextet of piano, clarinet, bass, sax, Cretan lyra, and drums. A beautiful recording that would put many of the wor ld jazz albums released on ECM to shame. Lyrical, poignant, and textured music. A little bite here and there to keep things dangerous, but mostly tunes more likely to make the listener swoon. Find of the Week. ” Dave Sumner – jazz critic

Last modified on Thursday, 31 January 2013 14:29