It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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Papadimitriou Sakis

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Pianist, composer

Sakis Papadimitriou has been one of the moving forces behind of the Greek jazz scene. His radio programmes and articles in the Tzaz magazine helped to build an informed audience for jazz at its most experimental. Papadimitriou’s duo with Floros Floridis (saxophone, clarinet) was Greece’s first free music group. Papadimitriou periodically works with other Greek musicians, his discography is composed almost entirely of solo piano recordings. Particularly striking is his use – alternately subtle and dramatic – of the piano’s interior: plucking, strumming and striking the strings of the instrument.

More about Sakis Papadimitriou

Last modified on Friday, 17 February 2017 17:23