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Stavroulakis George

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George Stavroulakis was born in Athens, in 1978. He has studied privately with John Ekmektsoglou and Yiotis Samaras, has also attended private lessons from Mikkel Ploug and Mike Moreno and has attended clinics by Kurt Rosenwinkel, John Scofeld, Kenwood Dennard, Tim Miller, Allan Holds- worth and Scott Henderson. George has been active in the Greek jazz scene since 2006 and has been playing as a sideman in various jazz ensembles with renowned artists including Kostas Konstantinou, George Georgiadis, Seraphim Bellos, Dimitris Pantelias, Pantelis Benetatos and many others, having jammed and per- formed at lots of Athens’ jazz music venues. Besides his jazz-oriented activities, he has performed numerous times with his bands “Tidal Flood” (progressive rock), “The Curf” (stoner rock) and “The Burning Sticks” (rock) for national TV and has toured in Greece, Cyprus and Belgium. During this time, George is playing and gigging with “O3” and “The Burning Sticks” and is also working as a sideman at various jazz ensembles and as a session guitarist for music recordings and jingles. George has received the “Best Guitarist” award at the world jazz festival/contest “Master-Jam” held in Ukraine on June 2013, featuring famous jazz improvisers from 16 countries including Hernan Jay Rodriguez, Melvin Taylor, Roberto Garcia, Viktorija Pilatovic and many others

Last modified on Monday, 10 February 2014 19:07