Not too slow, not too fast. Kind of half-fast. -- Louis Armstrong
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Broken Fingers

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Jazz Quartet
Athenian Jazz Quartet with repertoire based on original compositions by George Daskalakis. The band was created in June 2009 in Amsterdam, originally as a trio (guitar, bass, drums) and appeared in several music scenes in the Netherlands.
In September 2010, the trio became a quintet with the addition of piano and soprano saxophone. Along with the new members, the Broken Fingers appeared in the second jazz festival of Kalamata in August 2011.
After several lineup changes, the band in its final form as Quartet , appeared in July 2012 in the second jazz festival Agrinio.
The music of Broken Fingers has bases in the jazz tradition with many influences from modern jazz and other musical genres and is characterized by the strong interaction and spontaneous interventions in music and stylistic form.

George Daskalakis: guitar
Costas Patsiotis: bass
Christos Konstantinidis: drums
Marios Valinakis, sax

Last modified on Tuesday, 21 April 2015 11:15