It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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Penny and the swinging cats

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Jazz / Rockabilly / Swing
Penny Baltatzi (VOCALS),
Giorgos Zervos (GUITAR, VOCALS)
Alexandros Dandoulakis (GUITAR)
Vaggelis Katsarelis (TRUMPET)
Dimitris Karagiannis (TENOR SAX)
Stathis Paraskeuopoulos (UPRIGHT BASS)
Jan Van De Engel (DRUMS)

A band tied with positive energy, with «jazz tastes” primarily and experienced musicians.
The band first appeared in 2009-2010. With many live performances (from music halls and festivals to support in names like Parov Stelar, the Marc Almond and Imany and guest spots on “Gkagkantin”, the show of Dionysis Savvopoulos, Lavrendis Macheritsas, John Zouganeli and Saki Bulls ), Penny and the Swingin ‘Cats now has the glamor and glitz of big orchestras.
Last modified on Monday, 24 November 2014 21:13