It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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Trantalidis George – Portrait

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Drummer & composer

George Trantalidis is the living history of the Greek jazz : one of the major figures of the Greek jazz scene.

George Trantalidis started his career playing with the rock group Socrates. In 1978, he records the first greek Jazz music record with the “Sphinx”.
In 1980 he represents Greece in international Jazz Festivals and also records in Hungary his two first personal records ” Clarification” and “One, Two, Three, Four”.
In 1983 he becomes the first to merge greek traditional with Jazz music in his records ”Hores” “Mesogeios”, “Hairetismos” and “Erisma” with the participation of the great traditional musicians G. Koros and N. Saragoudas. These records resulted George Trantalidis to be invited by Y. Menuhin, R. Shankar και S. Rollins to play in the world famous “Jazz India Festival” and “Singapore Jazz Festival”.
From 1984 to 1989 he produced the radio show “Jazz in ERA 2″³ with guests some of the best jazz musicians like:M. Alexiou, G. Filippidis, P. Samaras, G. Kontrafouris, N. Politis, N. Vardis, T. Paterelis, Chip Jackson, John Hicks, J. Williams, B. Lakatos Szalski, T. Lakatos, D. Linch, L. Zois, N. Neratzo-poulos, P. Benetatos, M. Alexiadis etc.
Since 1989 he holds his personal studio producing his own records as well as making productions for selected Greek and foreign artists.
Meanwhile he has created a core of Greek and foreign artists with whom he performs in Greece and abroad gaining always the best critics.
In 2004 he participated as composer and arranger in the starting ceremony of the Athens Olympic Games with his composition “Karpos” ( a remake of Manos Hatzidakis “To asteri tou voria”).

George Trantalidis played with many great musicians such as Socrates, M. Alexiou, G. Filippidis, Lakis Zois, P. Samaras, T. Paterelis, G. Kontrafouris, B. Lakatos, T. Lakatos, George Vukan, Kuno Schmid, Alex Foster, Attila Laszlo, Laszlo Gardony, Gilad Atzmon, Nick Gravenites, Chip Jackson, John Hicks, J. Williams, Andy Sheppard, P. Benetatos, Toto Blanke, Rudolf Dašek, and many others.

He is currently performing with his trio: Trilogia with George Kontrafouris on Hammond and Yiotis Samaras on guitar. Three Greek virtuosos with soul, imagination and power–which is to say three genuine artists–joining forces with a truly stellar improviser to form an explosive contemporary jazz trio. The three talented musicians have met long time ago, and given the important recordings and wealth of experience as group leaders and members of other international ensembles they each bring to the encounter, the result is always awesome.

George Trantalidis last CD, Global Vision, released in 2011 got very good reviews.
This project features a unique gathering of great jazz musicians including Tony Lakatos – Alex Foster – Barry Finnerty – Ron McClure – Fred Lipsius – Pantelis Benetatos – Panagiotis Samaras – Harris Lambrakis – Andreas Polyzogopoulos – Antonis Andreou – George Kontrafouris – Nikos Neratzopoulos – Sophia Lambropoulou – Manuel Orza – Kiki Cha – Nikos Sidirokastritis. More :”.html

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Last modified on Friday, 17 February 2017 17:33