Alex Drakos Ktistakis has Master’s Degree in jazz performing, studied at the Ionian University of Greece.
He has also studied jazz drums performance in Athens. He has participated in the International Association of Schools of Jazz (I.A.S.J.) at Berklee College of music. Studied (private lessons) next to Ron Savage, Ralph Peterson, Lee Pierson, Antonio Sanchez.
As an artist he has performed with a variety of great musicians worldwide in jazz, latin-jazz, funk, fusion-Jazz and Greek music, such as Anthony Jackson, Eric Marienthal, Bireli Lagrene, Dulce Pontes, Tony Lakatos, Bob Francheschini, Brett Garsed, Mark Murphy, Frank Gambale, Lu Solof, Mitchel Forman, Alex Foster, Dave Friedman, Bobby Few, Mike Miller, Abram Wilson, Miles Griffith, Greg Beily, Amik Guerra, Soweto Kinch, Denys Baptiste, Jason Yarde, Rex Richardson, Paul Clarvis, Tony Remy, Reiner Witzel, Igor Lumpert, Joel Soto, Takis Paterelis, George Kontrafouris, Dimitris Vasilakis, Yorgos Fakanas Group, Eleftheria Arvanitaki, Dimitra Galani, Tania Tsanaklidoy, Michalis Hadjiyannis, Eleni Peta, Fivos Delivorias, Alexia, Donisis Tsaknis.
He is an active recording artist in a variety of music projects and on different kinds of music.
He had been teacher at the Ionian University- Music Departement (faculty of jazz) for six years. He had been a drums instructor at conservatory “Filipos Nakas” of Athens for several years.
He is the education Manager in Modern Music School of Athens, having under his supervision the modification, the development and the proper conduct of the curriculum and syllabus. At the same time he teaches drums.
He is also teaching drums at Professional Program Durums at Modern Music School International (Idar-Oberstein, Germany)
He has taken part in the training clinics of didactics-pedagogic of music (contemporary teaching methods) at the educational department of Modern Music School International (Matthias Webel, Hans-Peter Becker).
He is the executive director of the Modern Music School in Heraklion.
Jazz Recordings:
Rex Richardson Live in Guru Jazz Upstairs
Vassilis Rakopoulos “Ammon”
Kostas Balatzanis “a Dollar for a Hug”
“Ionian Jazz Ensemble” Magazine «Jazz & TZAZ» issue 120, March 2003