It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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Andreou Antonis

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Trombone player
Born in Lamia (central Greece) in 1981, he studied piano, music theory and trombone at the local Music School.
Coming to Athens, he continued his studies at the well known “Philippos Nakas”, Music School and graduated in 2002. Even though he won a Berklee College Music scholarship, he decided to drop this opportunity, as he was already in demand as a musician in Greece.

Jonas Bylund, Ingemar Roos, Scott Hartman, Jessica Gustavson, Steve Turre, George Kontrafouris, Michel Hatzigeorgiou

Symphony Orchestra of the Municipality of Athens
State Orchestra of Athens
Orchestra of Colours
Greek Warriors (representing U.K. at the European Jazz Festival 2002 in Athens)
Mercado Negro (latin — jazz combo based in Lausanne, CH)
Ending Ceremony of the Athens Olympic Games in 2004 and finally, until today, a steady member of the Big Band of the Municipality of Athens (first trombone)

Recordings & Tours
Dimitri Vassilakis, George Kontrafouris, Christos Rafalides, Yiorgos Fakanas, Yiotis Kiourtsoglou
Jeff “Tain” Watts, Jeff Boudreaux, Mark Abrams, Essiet Okon Essiet, Jason Yard, Dave Weckl, Bob Franceschini, Mike Stern, Brett Garsed, Amik Quierra, Jimmy Bosch, Cesar Corea, Rex Richardson, Barbara Mendes
Last modified on Wednesday, 20 April 2011 16:12