We all do 'do, re, mi', but you have to find the other notes yourself. Louis Armstrong

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BDMUSIC collection presents all your favorite singers drawn with the eye of draftsmen, painters or illustrators of our era. The collection represents more than 250 albums illustrated by 150 painters for more than 4 000 illustration pages about music. 2 CDs and the strip cartoon to live an amazing story with all the best musicians of the history.

The Best Of Jazz selected and drawn by Cabu – Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, Sidney Bechet & more artists

Highlights and photographs of Jazz legends, concerts from artists of the 50’s and 60’s

Queen of Bebop brilliantly chronicles the life of jazz singer Sarah Vaughan, one of the most influential and innovative musicians of the twentieth century and a pioneer of women’s and civil rights.

Discover how two outsiders Billie Holiday, a young black woman raised in poverty, and Abel Meeropol, the son of Jewish immigrants combined their talents to create a song that challenged racism and paved the way for the Civil Rights movement.The audience was completely silent the first time Billie Holiday performed a song called “Strange Fruit.” In the 1930s, Billie was known as a performer of jazz and blues music, but this song wasn’t either of those things. It was a song about injustice, and it would change her life forever.

Count Basie was one of America’s pre-eminent and influential jass pianists, bandleaders, and composers, known for such classics as “Jumpin’ at the Woodside,” “Goin’ to Chicago Blues,” “Sent for You Yesterday and Here You Come Today,” and “One O’Clock Jump.”

Black-and-white photographs oozing with cool immortalize the performances and offstage lives of more than 100 famed jazz musicians who forged Blue Note Records’ legendary reputation.

Vinyl mania: The greatest in Jazz LP art

In Spirits Rejoice! Jason Bivins explores the relationship between American religion and American music, and the places where religion and jazz have overlapped.