Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. -- Thelonious Monk

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Great Quotes

I would like to be a scholar in whatever I do, a scholar is never finished, he is always seeking and I am always seeking. Ahmad Jamal

“That’s a great thing about jazz We leave it a little space so that we have the opportunity to go where the moment takes us ” Marcus Miller

“Only a spiritual being has awareness” Chick Corea

“If I’m not a jazz player all the time, I’ve at least been cued in to what I do by jazz.” Keith Jarrett

Miles Davis is one who writes songs when he plays.

My audience was my life. What I did and how I did it, was all for my audience.

I love it. When they stop imitating me then I’ll start wondering where I’m going wrong. Every day when I sit down to play, I learn something new.

“Take it easy, be a sport. Just remeber life is short.”