It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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Podaras Vassilis

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Vassilis Podaras was born in athens. He begun to play drums at the age of 11 and started taking his first drums lessons with Antonis Garinis at Peristeri Municipal conservatory. At the age of 12 he joined the Music High School of Ilion where he studied classical violin and piano for 6 years.

In 2006 he went to the Music Department of the Ionian University where he decided to become a jazz musician. Entering the Jazz Performance Direction of the University he studied drums and Jazz improvisation with: Alex-drakos Ktistakis, Dimos Dimitriadis, George Kontrafouris etc. He had private courses with: Adam Nussbaum, Paul Wertico, Bodek Janke, Jukkis Uotila, Scott Kettner. The last two years he has toured in greece and europe(tour in spain and pori jazz festival 2010) as member of George Kontrafouris’ baby trio. Also he perfomed with: Dean Bowman, Olivier Temime, Olivier Gatto, Laurent Maur, Yiotis Samaras, Dimos Dimitriadis, Spiros Manesis and many more. He is also a member of a rock band called ENsTRO and in 2010 they won the first Music Award at the Max Orfuls Preis Festival in Saarsbuck,Germany for the music they composed in the movie ‘Akadimia platwnos’ and they also performed as an opening act with the famous swedish band Pain of salvation.

Vassilis is currently on the last grade of his bachelor studies in the Ionian university.
Last modified on Wednesday, 11 May 2011 06:44